
President Trump Tells Robert Woodward That He Didn't Want to Panic Americans about COVID

According to Robert Woodward's new book Rage and the recordings he made of his conversations with Donald Trump, the President Trump knew all about COVID in February. The President claimed that he did not warn Americans about the dangers of COVID because he didn't want to panic us. Instead, Trump characterized the pandemic as a "hoax" and mocked people who wore masks. I expect that's why the NAZIS had signs on the gas chambers that said "showers." They didn't want to panic the Jews. I expect that's why mothers never scream when their children run into the street. They don't want to panic their children. I expect that's why our phones don't sound an alarm when a tornado is coming. They don't want to panic the public. There is a saying that you "never shout 'fire' in a crowded theater." Well, actually, if there is a fire, you do sound the alarm. Rage will be released on Amazon on September 15, 2020.

Georgian Journalist Cusses-Out Vladimir Putin

Last year, July 2019, Giorgi Gabunia, a  television journalist from the former Soviet Republic of Georgia,  called Putin a "stinking occupier" and a "walrus' c**t." He made these observations in Russian, not Georgian. The Russian Army occupies South Ossetia and Abkhazia, two regions which broke away from Georgia in a short war in 2008. Gabunia's outburst occurred during public protests against the presence of Russian MPs in the Georgian Parliament. Gabunia also said some unkind things about Putin's mother. I don't know those bad words in Russian, but it's always some impolite variation on the theme of  "your mother."  The journalist also vowed to defecate on Putin's grave. Gabuina will need to practice continence; this will be a long line. Mamuka Bakhtadze, Georgia's Prime Minister, harshly condemned  Gabunia's provocative language: "This is a war by provocateurs against their country, a dirty and disgusting game with t

My Samizdat Blog

Samizdat is Russian for "self-published." In the former USSR, people wrote and circulated unofficial literature because they couldn't get it published due to censorship. Xerox machines were closely guarded, so authors and readers duplicated articles and books by hand using carbon paper on typewriters and passed the samizdat along to trusted friends.  "Samizdat: I write it myself, edit it myself, censor it myself, publish it myself, distribute it myself, and spend time in prison for it myself." - Vladimir Bukovsky